Monday, August 6, 2012

21 Weeks down! 19 to go!

How far along? 21 weeks 4 days! 

Total weight gain: Right on track, gaining 1/2-1lb a week.So up about a pound a half.

Maternity clothes?  Still in my normal clothes but I desperately need the bella band. Need to stop being lazy and get down to the maternity store.

Stretch marks? NO. Please let this answer stay the same throughout the pregnancy.

Sleep:? Sleeping okayish except when the dog decides he is in the mood for a middle of the night temper tantrum and goes scampering around the bed wanting to be chased. A new habit he has seemed to pick up since his mom got preggers. Such a considerate little doggy.

Best moment this week: Lots of good ones! We started playing the baby music (Pandora has this Baby Einstein station that plays classic rocks song in a lullaby tone) and NO I don't think it will make him smarter but he does seem to start kicking up a storm when we play it and its a fun way to interact with him! We lay in bed for about 15 minutes (you dont want to overstimulate him) and both put our hands on my belly and wait for the kicks to start! Plus Joey and I love the music so I won't pretend its only for Baby C.

The weather has been SO nice but a little on the hot side. We had a really fun BBQ and bonfire with our church group at this beautiful private beach in Laguna during the week and it was so nice to be with such an awesome group of people in such an amazing place.  

Also, I THINK we might have picked a name!!!!!!1Well, at least we have narrowed it down to a just 5 names which is better standing than we were at last week. We won't announce it until were 100% sure but I think we might be there!

Yesterday, Joeys mom came into town and we spent the day at Fashion Island where she spoiled us rotten and got us quite a few mommy and daddy treats! We sure are lucky and we had a blast! Plus we got to eat at True Food for the 3rd day in a row which was AMAZING/EMBARASSING/SHAMEFUL.  sorry for being a creature of habit- I just couldn't resist!  I did duck down a few times when I saw the waitress from the day before. I'm sure I was very sly, the akward pregnant woman try to duck behind the water glass.

Lastly, my mom moved back early!! I am so happy! Her house in portland flooded so she had no other choice to come back. Was I hoping some toilet catastrophe would happen that would force her back early? Is a pregnant lady hungry?

Miss Anything?  Not so much this week! I feel like after the 20 week mark I am really hitting my stride. Dare I say I kind of LOVE being pregnant (aside from all the sickness in the beginning)!

Movement: ALL THE TIME! Everyone tells you when the baby kicking is one of the best parts of pregnancy..and I'm here to tell you, IT IS! Joey is claiming the baby is already doing the Cefalu Shuffle in there. Please do NOT let him inherit his fathers rythmn and dance moves. PLEASE.


Anything making you queasy or sick: Still nauseous but as long as I take my nausea medication I seem to be okay. Cant eat anything in excess or too sweet. Learned my lesson with waffles the other night.

Gender: BOY! Boooyaah!

Labor Signs: Negative.

Symptoms:  A bit of back pain starting to rear its ugly head.

Belly Button in or out? Still weird looking. Not loving it.

Wedding rings on or off? ON!!!!

Happy or Moody most of the time: A clam!

Looking forward to:  Our doctor appt tomorrow and getting to see the little guy again!! CANNOT WAIT to see him moving and shaking! Also, it is my girlfriend Brookes wedding this weekend and it is going to be absolutely beautiful! Cannot wait to celebrate!!
Pics from the weekend below and just a reminder of why the baby is not ALLOWED to do the Cefalu shuffle (his reputation, sense of dignity etc).

BTW, I know this site is super hard to comment on so if anyone wants to contact me directly my email is :)

 The Cefalu Shuffle in all its glory.
Well if that doesnt scream sophistication I dont know what does.

Shopping with Pat!
The baby name debate! And I think it might be settled!

Attempt #3 at getting another dog. Joey was definitely much closer to being convinced after holding her but is insisting we wait until after the baby. Totally irrational:)

The beautiful private beach in Laguna and the bonfire!

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