Age: Almost 8 months old!!! How insane is that!
Weight: my guess would be around 16 lbs, at his 6 month appt he was almost 15.
Height: no idea but he is getting big!!!
New developments: Well he is officially crawling as of yesterday!!! He took at least 5 full on the knees and arms crawls forward!!! He has also officially said mama.. nonstop. im 99% sure he has no idea that I am his mama but i still freaking love it everytime he says it. This age really is the best!
Carters favorite things of the week: anything that he is NOT supposed to have. Menus, sunglasses, wallets, joeys beer bottle, random bugs on the ground. He is a crawling maniac and is pulling himself in his crib now! How did my little boy get sooooo big! He laughs like a maniac at belly kisses and neck kisses and daddys dance moves. He is so freaking fun! I absolutely love this age- even though it means that nothing is safe and he crawls away in a second!
Carters least favorite things of the week: Anything being taken away from him and he pitches a fit. going in his car seat. getting his diaper changed and when he cant see momma or daddy in plain view.
Smiling? Non stop
Laughing? Like a maniac at tons of things.
First word? Has definitely said momma and dadda but we dont think he knows who he is talking to.
Carters global travels:Carter has now been to Hawaii, Northern California, San Francisco, vegas twice and hawaii twice. Joey and I also take him out with us on the weekends and love spending all our time with him. Once they hit 6 months they are so much freaking fun!
Best moment of the week: Every day with my little man and my husband is downright fabulous. I am blessed beyond belief and cant believe how amazing the two men in my life are. Carter laughing and standing in his crib was pretty darn cool too.
LOL moment of the week: Too many. We are constantly laughing at this little guy. Since we started solids his poop face has gotten pretty sensational.