How far along? 23 weeks 5 days!
Total weight gain: Went through a bit of a growth spurt and gained a pound and a half this last week. So up almost 4 lbs!
Maternity clothes? Finally bought the bella band! Necessary! Haven't used it yet since its been insanely hot and I still fit in my shorts but I tried to wear my old white jeans out before I bought it and ended up spending the night with my pants unbuttoned at the dinner table. In a restaurant. Oh pregnancy, you make me such a classy gal.
Stretch marks? Not yet but seriously I can feel my stomach stretching every waking minute. PLEASE STAY AWAY STRETCH MARKS!
Sleep:? I have been SUPER exhausted this last week! I have seriously been barely able to keep me eyes open at night and even taken a few naps which I never ever ever do (unless I'm not pregnant and just had a lovely champagne and bloody mary brunch- in that case, NAP CITY!) Anyway, whoever said the 2nd trimester was a burst of energy was obviously drinking 10 cups of coffee, 24 hour energy's and a case of redbull. And I'm pretty sure I could still nap after that.
Best moment this week: Had a great time with my sister Lani in town with us and her friends! They were a ton of fun and made me nostalgic about my college days!
Joey and I finally had a more relaxed weekend, which was nice since the upcoming ones will be insane. We had a friday date night and went out to dinner in hopes of resolving the name debacle- unsuccessful attempt #500. We are no longer arguing about who likes what as we both are now equally confused and both reluctant to make a final decision. But it was nice just being with the hubby and the majority of our conversations are how amazing next year is going to be with the baby and how excited we are to have an addition to the family. If only we had a name for the little addition. Suggestions anyone??
We went shopping with my mom on Saturday and ate at my fav True Food. I realized how far we really are behind in nursery planning so we looked at some cribs and dressers and ended up registering at Pottery Barn. Those people are like car salesmen I tell you!
Then we had a relaxing sunday and went out to dinner with a bunch of our friends guessed it! True Food. I know, I am out of control. Its definitely getting awkward. But no less awkward then waddling around with your pants unbuttoned, sweating non stop and having to pee every 5 seconds.
Miss Anything? Nope! I think I am so tripped out that I am going to be 6 months pregnant next week that I am more focused on how soon this is going to be over. Which you would think I would be so ecstatic bc 1. our baby will finally be here!! and 2. I get to enjoy margaritas again!!! BUTTTTTTT I have a feeling I am going to miss being pregnant (obviously not the toilet worshipping, weight skyrocketing, caveman hunger, bipolar mood swinging parts of it (which might be 90% of it)..but the excitement of having a sweet little baby growing inside of me,waking up every day with something new happening, and just the miracle of it all. But boy does that margarita sound good.
Movement: ALL THE TIME! He kicks soooo much, I really really really really really really love it! It has to be one of the top coolest things ever!
Food Cravings: HUMMUS and SRIRACHA. TRUE FOOD. BBQ chicken salad is out, Fred's is back in. Chipotle has been making a few guest appearances in my diet as well.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nauseous but the throwing up is pretty much coming to an end. Although I did wake up feeling like crap today.
Gender: BOY! Boooyaah!
Labor Signs: Negative.
Symptoms: Back pain is starting to happen a lot. Still getting so full so easily, its obnoxious. Feeling bloated and gross all the time but that may be partially the 90 degree that is plaguing OC! FALL/WINTER COME AT ME!
Belly Button in or out? This belly button of mine is craaayyy. He's in, he's out, he doesnt know what he is anymore.
Wedding rings on or off? ON!!!!
Happy or Moody most of the time: This might be the happiest I have ever been!
Looking forward to: Tahoe this weekend for Steve and Alisa's wedding! Joey is one of the groomsmen and it will be so fun seeing everyone and being in tahoe. I absolutely adore Steve and Alisa and I cant wait to see them make it official! It is going to be a blast! We may even have to sneak by the blackjack tables for a little. What??? No one said a pregnant lady wasnt allowed to gamble!!!!!!
BTW, I know this site is super hard to comment on so if anyone wants to contact me directly my email is :)

Shopping with my gorg momma!
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