Wednesday, November 14, 2012

35 weeks!

How far along? 35 weeks 6 days! 

Total weight gain: Gained another pound! The weight just doesnt stop piling on!

Maternity clothes? Officially purchased a maternity dress. The more I look at it, the more it looks like a moomoo to me. Having trouble accepting my reality much?

Stretch marks? No stretch marks but still itchy belly and everytime I scratch it I leave red streaks that later give me a heart attack when I think they are stretch marks. Do I sound like I am losing my sanity over here?

 I am sleeping super super well right now. Like 11 hours no problem and although I do get up to pee, I almost always fall right back asleep. Had my first crazy labor dream last night where labor was super painful, and then they ended up starting to do a c-section and then decided to wait and sent me home with a big cut on my stomach. I kept calling saying lets do this and they kept telling me they needed to wait another week. It was a nightmare now that I think about it. 

Best moment this week:  Had our 3rd and final baby shower which was absolutely amazing! It was our first "couples" shower so Joey got to partake and it was a blast. Full of dressing up the guys in diapers with tp, playing get the broom in the toilet paper hole etc and basically a ton of inappropriate hilarious games. We truly had such a blast and of course Carter was spoiled as usual! Sometimes it just amazes me how blessed we are to have so many kind, caring people in our lives.

Also, went to the doctors and the little guy is 6.2 pounds! Not so little anymore! Holy cow, cant believe I am lugging him around! I was a little worried about decreased fetal movement bc I read some scary stuff on the internet (of course) so our foctor was kind enough to hook me up to a non stress test machine and show me that I am being insane.

Lastly, we had our first Lamaze class which was like holy crap this is about to get real, rude awakening of sorts. I LOVE the girl who teaches it (she actually was our tour guide when we were first picking hospitals) and she keeps the class interseting and funny but WOW can't believe in the next month I will be going through labor and meeting our first son! The jist of the class was basically that the guys or "coaches" should do everything that the girls say. Which I think is fabulous and totally accurate. She emphasized that one minute we may be hot then cold, loving then angry, wanting to be touched and soothed then loathing anyone near us. Sounds like a blast to me!! She also taught all the guys different massage techniques and had them try them on us girls to see what we liked best. Do you see why I love this woman?

Miss Anything? Fitting in my clothes. I was obviously living in fantasy land when I thought I would last in a bunch of my clothes until the end. in my dreams.

Movement: Still moving quite a bit and I think he might be in the process of dropping, seems like my belly is getting lower and lower.

Food Cravings: Super cold apples!! I actually find myself fantasizing about true food. Raspberry tea and frozen raspberries and blueberries. Baja Chicken salads.

Anything making you queasy or sick: too much of any food, stomach is definitely shrinking but eye for food is not.

Gender: BOY! Boooyaah!

Labor Signs: Negative.

Symptoms: Back pain, bloating, braxton hicks,  EXHAUSTION, all the super super fun stuff!

Belly Button in or out? pretty out these days, i wouldnt say 100% but close enough!

Wedding rings on or off? ON!!!!

Happy or Moody most of the time: This IS the happiest I have ever been aside from when the daughter in Father of the Bride 2 decides to move to Chicago, someone drinks a bloody mary in front of me, or I find out its the last season of Gossip Girl.

Looking forward to: My best friend Shawnas wedding this weekend! We are flying up tomorrow morning with our "emotional support" dog and will be up there until Sunday. I could not be more excited to be a part of her big day even if I will look like an overweight penguin stuffed into a bridesmaid dress.  I remember Shawna and I talking about how we would be bridesmaids in each others weddings when we were like 10 years old and she truly couldnt be marrying a better guy. I cant wait!!!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute shower! I'm also super jealous of the fact that you don't have stretch marks!
