Age: 10 weeks old! HOW the heck did that happen!
Weight: Our next appt is next week so we wont know until then!
Height: He was born at 19" and last he was measured was 19 1/2. So again with the 2 month update.
New developments: We moved him over to his crib the week he turned 2 months old (mainly so we could tell his pediatrician that he was a big boy and sleeping in his crib not because we wanted to) but he has been doing SO well in it! This kid is a sleeper and always sleeps about 7-8 1/2 hours a night. Takes after his pops.He is smiling like a machine these days. All you have to do is smile at him and he basically breaks into laughter. Well not laughter yet, but MAJOR smiley man. He can pretty much completely hold up his neck and is obsessed with staring at faces.
Carters favorite things of the week: He loves his changing table and laying on his sheep tummy time mat! He also loves the dance parties we have every morning in bed. I turn on pandora and we rock out to all the new hits. His new fav is Will IAM "I want to scream and shout and let it all out bc Im carter carter Cefaluuuuuuuuuuuu bc im carter carter cefaluuuuuuuuuu" we just change the lyrics a bit to fit his mood of the day! He is so freaking cute!
Carters least favorite things of the week: SMILING! Some of his cutest smiles are first thing in the morning when he is still laying in his crib. Pooping
Smiling? YES! Non stop! He wakes up smiling which is the most adorable thing ever- but then quickly switches to crying for milk. He is now smiling back when you smile at him so I dont have to look like such a fool trying to get him to smile with my circus antics. A simple smile and HI! does the trick these days! I cant believe how much I love his little smile!
Laughing? I swear its going to happen soon! My mom, Joeys mom, Joey and I have all seen him almost laugh- its like he makes a little shriek when hes smiling really big!
First word? Better be mom or hes going back to the hospital.
Carters global travels: He lovessss true food, he also likes to tag along with mom and dad while grocery shopping (Joey and I realize this would probably be an easier task to do separately so we can just keep the babe home but for some reason we love doing all our errands together and we have decided were not going to give it up so we drag him along for the ride- he digs it!), he loves his daily run and walk with his family!
Best moment of the week: Every day waking up to my little smiley man. We are in a pretty set routine now. He wakes up around 6 am and Joey gives him a bottle and puts him back down, then he wakes back up at 9amish and I feed him. We play in bed for about an hour and its smile central (this is his fav time of day to be a happy little boy), we get up and I pump, we play some more, he naps, I feed him around 12 and then we get our day started. Joey gets home around 4 and we go for our run together and then eat dinner, feed him and put him down for the night. He is the best! I love our new little life!
LOL moment of the week: Joey drinking wayyy too much in san diego and the video I captured of him at dinner. AMAZING!
How mom and dad are feeling: This is so outdated I just wanted to post this and get it out now so I could do a new one. Have noo idea what was going on then but I would guess we were feeling in love and overwhelmed with how crazy life is! The first few months sure are a blur! Onto the next post since carter is now 3 1/2 months old! AHHH! I'm just going to post a bunch of pics of carter up to his 2 months since this blog has officially become all about family being able to see carters growth so pardon the 700 pics to follow! This guy sure is a stud!

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