Monday, June 11, 2012

13 weeks and counting!!!

How far along? 13 weeks!

Total weight gain: -3 lbs, but thats up 3 lbs from the 6lbs I lost from throwing up so often.

Maternity clothes? still in regular clothes but jeans are starting to get a leeeeeeettlle tight and I am definitely noticing my waist widening. UGH.

Stretch marks? no, but I am definitely investing in the Mustela cream that everyone raves about. I know, I know, 
its all genetics, but you have to do what you can, right??

Sleep:? I'm sleeping okay, except I SERIOUSLY take 5 bathroom breaks every single night. Since my lazy pregnant
 self gets pooped around 9:30pm these days (which Joey and Winston have had no problem adjusting to, by the way) 
my first potty break is around 11pm, 2nd around 1am, 3rd around 3am, 4th around 5am and last one around 6ish. It's
 pretty annoying, but it could be worse right? 

Best moment this week: Well this was technically last week at the 12 week, 5 day mark BUT we had our first trimester
 screening for any abnormalities, genetic disorders etc and the baby is PERFECTLY HEALTHY! I have never heard 
better news in my life!!!!! Also, after promising the nurse pretty much everything short of our little peanut, I coaxed 
her into taking a guess at the sex of the baby- to which she said BOY!!! She made me swear up and down that I
 wouldn't tell that to a soul until it was confirmed because she really DIDNT know. But you know me, here I am
 posting it on the internet for everyone to see. Side note: I think i promised her cookies for the rest of her life,
 little does she know I have a husband who would throw himself in front of my car before he would let me make 
a batch of cookies not for him:)

Miss Anything? Margaritas (I did have a virgin margarita at Fred's the other day, it was good enough but probably
 not worth the 300+ calories)  Also, Bloody Mary's and sushi and waking up to a flat stomach. I would also like to 
not be so familiar with every toilet in our house (I am still puking unfortunately, but I am told this should let up soon).
 Lastly, my energy- the couch has an official Alex shaped spot to it now.

Movement: I would swear I felt something the other day but in retrospect, I am 99% sure it was gas.

Food Cravings: Still loving fruit, over the berries and mainly into plums, peaches, and nectarines. Tuna and chicken
 salad has been magnificent but I know I can't have too much fish so I try not to get too wild. Subway salads I can 
stomach 90% of the time.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  coffee like every other day makes me queasy, so does anything too sweet. 
Chocolate ALWAYS sounds good but always ends with a barfing session.

Gender: BOY MAYBE????

Labor Signs: No

Symptoms: Heartburn got BAD this week, I'm 10 TUMS deep right now.  Haven't thrown up today but I did last night
 so nausea is still going strong as is fatigue and bloating.

Belly Button in or out? in! Is it really going to pop out???????AH!

Wedding rings on or off? on and its staying that way, I don't care how swollen my fingers get (So says the pregnant girl 
at 3 1/2 months, maybe revisit this at month 9)

Happy or Moody most of the time: so very happy

Looking forward to: My mom coming into town and our next doctor appointment this Friday where I will bully our 
doctor into confirming the SEX!!! My mom is flying in Thursday night and staying until Monday so it will be an awesome 
weekend for all us talking, walking and breathing baby. We are also planning a special Fathers day brunch for Joey since 
it's his first!!

Side note: Finally got our chalkboard and I am a little embarrassed at my artwork. I promise better for week 14.

 Now I am wondering if this sign is even legible.
 Nothing wrong with a little outfit change! Starting to fill out..
 BUT it is all worth it for the little peanut!!!


  1. what did you use to make your chalkboard?

  2. I just bought it on it was super easy and only like $15. Hope that helps:)
