OUR BABY BOY IS 1 MONTH OLD!!!! ( i am horrible by the time i finished this carter is now 6 weeks old!! therefore this is one loooooong post! and get ready for about 5 million pictures- thats what happens when I dont post for 3 weeks!)
Weight: 9.4 lbs!!! this boy can eat!!!
Height: He was born at 19" and last he was measured was 19 1/2. So again with the 2 month update.
New developments: Carter is officially following things with his eyes!! This may not sound exciting to the majority of the world but to us it is HUGE! It is so fun seeing him respond to things for the first time because when they are newborns they really don't respond to anything at all but he follows his toys and will move his head to keep watching it! Joey and I now obsessively sit with the toys in front of his face, amazed at this feat. Also, he is turning into quite the little kicker! He especially loves kicking when I am trying to get his little leggies into his pj pants and if he wants to emphasize his crying (I want my milk and I will kick until I get it!).
Carters favorite things of the week: MILK. He certainly is our little milk man. He can be found with milk dribbling down his chin, stuck in the creases of his neck and all over his clothes. Lights- He is obsessed with staring at the lights in our house. The MamaRoo- he absolutely LOVES the MamaRoo, this thing has become a lifesaver when we want to push back a feeding or he just needs to chill a bit. We strap him in, turn it to the tree swing setting and let him rock and roll. There is an iPhone hook up on it too so we can play him some of his favorite songs but we havent utilized that yet.
Carters least favorite things of the week: not having milk. Daddys sneezes. Being cold. Missing his afternoon run. I swear he notices when we are late getting out of the house for the run and he will get cranky and then as soon as he is in the stroller, he is one happy camper and is out like a light!
Smiling? YES! I dont think its purposeful yet, its more like a reflex I would guess because its not in response to anything we do but Joey and I both freak out in excitment every time he smiles. Its amazing how one little thing like that is SO amazing to new parents.
update: at 6 weeks I have finally figured out how to make him smile! Joey makes fun of me because its quite the process but I can get him to smile at least 4 times and its amazing! Seriously week 6 has made leaps and bounds on smiling!!
Laughing? We literally talk and obsess about how we cant wait for this to happen every single day.
First word? Better be mom or hes going back to the hospital.
Carters global travels: Carter and I made our first trip out of the house since Joey went back to work on Monday and I was basically a complete wreck. When I left the house he was fussing a bit but as soon as I started driving he went dead silent. Which at first I thought nothing of and just rocked out to my music and then suddenly I thought "OMG what if I put the blankets over his mouth and he suffocated!' I immediately pulled off the freeway, stopped at a redlight, put the car in park and climbed into the back seat to check on him. Of course he was breathing peacefully. Hey I never said I was sane!
Best moment of the week: New Years Eve and the Cefalu New Years celebration! We spent NYE at our friends Selin and Jeffs house with a bunch of other friends and kiddos. It was such a blast and an amazing feeling to start the new year with our new little papoose!!!!
But there really is nothing better than the Cefalu Celebrations so the next night we had another NYE celebration with just our family, I cooked up a meal, we listened to Christmas music and drank champagne by the fire and ended the night by counting down with Tara Reid's amazing NYE countdown (where she attempts to countdown from 60 and screws up the countdown about a million times- if you havent seen it, its life changing). Anyway, it was a blast and I couldnt be happier to see what 2013 has to bring!
LOL moment of the week: Carter pooping while we were giving him a bath. I dont think I have ever seen Joey look so horrified. I was laughing so hard I almost peed my pants. Joey would have double the fun to deal with!
How mom and dad are feeling: In love with each other and in love with our son and overwhelmed with Gods blessings!!
Looking forward to: Our 2 year anniversary which is right around the corner!!! So insane! and seeing our little boy laugh!
Now in recap of 2012 we...
Celebrated our 1 year anniversary pretty much non stop and ate the top layer of our wedding cake which was fabulous!
celebrated a blissful year of marriage with a trip to mexico. Seriously one of the best trips of our lives. We had such a blast and I am SO happy that we did it. We absolutely love Mexico and we had such a blast just drinking, hanging out and playing games-all while drinking Micheladas and tequila shots and gorging on Mexican food. We really are best friends and its amazing how much fun we have together. We came back from that trip and knew we wanted a baby in our future and look where we are now!!
We went to Vegas with some of our best freinds Steph and Mark and had so much fun! I want to make it annual trip! Nothing makes me more happy than blackjack, pool bars and dancing with my hubby! So much fun!
Went to Palm Springs for my 27th birthday with a bunch of our great freinds Brooke, Chris, Jess and Ryan and owned the JW- where Joey and I met!
Discovered our favorite hotel in San Diego- the kimpton where we can bring the dog and wander around downtown san diego getting into trouble!
We attended 5 weddings, 4 of which we were a part of the wedding parties! First our freinds Amy and Dan got married in San Diego and their wedding was such a blast! Seriously I have never been to a wedding that was so catered to having fun and making sure all the guests have a blast! There was boozing during the ceremony, ribs AND sushi, and one of the most fun dance parties ever.
Next was my good girlfreind Brookes wedding who I was a bridesmaid in. My first non drinking event and pregnant too! It was one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever been to and I absolutely adore her and all the people who were a part of that day. We had so much fun and I was honored to be a part of her big day! They are such an awesome couple and it was amazuing watching them celebrate thier love!
Next was Joeys best friend Steve and Alisa's wedding! I just adore both of Of them and their wedding was so touching and so gorgeous. We flew into Tahoe and spent the weekend there and it was so much fun and so beautiful. I love being a part of weddings because you really get to celebrate- with the rehearsal dinners, the getting ready and of course the big day. I remember Joey and I got up and got coffee and watched the sunrise one morning and just talked about how we couldn't believe our son would be here so soon.
Lastly was my best friend in the world Shawna and her husband Adrian's wedding where I was 9 months pregnant. Shawna is my oldest and best friend and is also Carter's godmother. We have been friends for so long it's amaing and I basically cried throughout her entire wedding. Her family is like my family and it was truly the most touching amazing fun event!!
Had a 10 month long pregnancy that was incredibly joyful and fun and amazing and learned to listen to my body and let it do what God intended it to!
Had 3 beautiful baby showers thrown by our wonderful freinds and family was SO blessed!
Obviously the main event of 2012 was the birth of our son, but as lazy as I am, I still haven't finished his birth story. I'm on it! I swear!
A year ago we were in tahoe with a group of our friends, all talking about how excited we were about the prospect of babies and now look where we are now!! All 3 of us girls got pregnant in 2012!!
Joey and I definitely had a worldwind 2012, and even though you would think the pregnancy would have made it go by slowely it really didn't. It flew by! It was a year of growth, change, love and blessings. Being pregnant brought Joey and I together in a way I couldn't have imagined until I experienced it and when you are caring for someone or something so much other than yourself all your priorities shift and all the things that used to seem important don't really matter anymore. We had our years of going out all the time, drinking too much, attending every event and going on a million trips and we were ready for something new!!!
Joey and I spent more time in 2012 just hanging out with each other, daydreaming about Carter's arrival and cherishing every moment since we knew soon we would be running around like crazy after our little tike. I truly wouldn't change a thing about 2012, God blessed us and changed us and I like to think it was a year of transformation into better, stronger, happier people! Now lets see what 2013 has to bring! Can't wait!!

You are one SKINNY SKINNY mama!! Go you!! I love the maternity photos :) What a sweet little smile he has.