Age: 3 weeks!! actually he is 4 weeks tomorrow but again with the lagging.
Weight: Last Doc visit he was 7.35 pounds which is normal for the 2 week mark but I would guess he is up maybe a pound by now? Hard to tell and we don't see the doc again until he is 2 months old. WHOA i cant believe he will be 2 months old next month! Time flies!
Height: He was born at 19" and last he was measured was 19 1/2. So again with the 2 month update.
New developments: He is looking us in the eyes wayyyyy more and seems to have figured out how to use his hands to grab things he likes (moms hair, his pacifier), or push things away (I don't want a pacifier, I want the real deal-the boob!). Also, his neck is definitely sturdier and he is starting to kind of kick his legs when Im holding him up straight. I CANNOT wait for his neck to be totally sturdy- worrisome mom party of 1 here!
Carters favorite things of the week: MILK! Joey calls him the milk junky, the milk man, and we call it his milk coma after he eats. He looks so happy and content and just falls asleep. He also loves cuddling with his mom and dad, and can be found snoozing on their chests in the morning. NO we dont let him sleep in our bed but after the last feeding we will bring him into bed for half an hour to an hour so we can all hang out and obsess about how amazing our little boy is.
Carters least favorite things of the week: not having milk. Daddys sneezes. Being cold- another thing he has in common with Winston, they are both total babies when it comes to being cold. Winston can be found shivering in the backyard in the middle of july and 80 degree weather whereas Carter loses it when we strip him down and change him. Our little wimpies boys!
Smiling? YES! I dont think its purposeful yet, its more like a reflex I would guess because its not in response to anything we do but Joey and I both freak out in excitment every time he smiles. Its amazing how one little thing like that is SO amazing to new parents.
Laughing? We literally talk and obsess about how we cant wait for this to happen every single day.
First word? Better be mom or hes going back to the hospital.
Carters global travels: He has now been to restaurants in Laguna, Newport, Dana Point, shopping, freinds houses, there is nowhere this guy doesnt go!
Best moment of the week: The holidays!! Joey, Carter, Winston and I had some freinds over Christmas eve night since my mom was sick and couldnt be near the baby. We had a blast blaring Christmas music, drinking champagne and watching Elf. Seriously this is what life is about!
Fortunately my mom was feeling better Christmas morning and she cooked up an amazing meal while my brother and Joey watched football and we obsessed over the little babe.
Joey and I also put off our own Christmas until the day after and then I cooked us our first full meal with candlight and cocktails since being home from the hospital and we spent the evening celebrating with just the fam. Joey and I love to do a separate Cefalu for all the major holidays so we can celebrate with just the core family of us at the house- and seriously who doesnt want to keep the party going!!
Joeys parents also came down and we had ANOTHER christmas celebration which was awesome! Carter is majorly overloved and spoiled!
ALSO- Laying in bed with my husband and son every morning. And our daily runs down the path next to our house. Its so nice to have that time to just hang out with the whole family, get a little exercise, and reflect on how awesome life is.
We have a pretty set schedule of laying in bed until 10:30-11 with the babe, getting up and pumping, having a few cups of coffee, eating lunch together and then going on our daily jog. the rest of the day is carved out for whatever we want to do- be it go out to dinner, over to a friends or my moms, etc! Seriously loving this time with my fam and hopefully we can keep it up a few days a week when joey works from home. The pediatrician also had us introduce a bottle at the 3 week mar so we dont have to worry about him taking a bottle down the line when we want to go out. and seriously this kid will take anything-he loves his milk!
LOL moment of the week: Carter peeing on Joey. Joey screamed bloody murder upstairs and apparently carter soaked the whole room. Thats my boy!
How mom and dad are feeling: In love with each other and in love with our son and overwhelmed with Gods blessings. Not looking forward to Joey going back to work but trying to focus on how blessed I am to have a husband who was able to spend so much time with me and the babe! We have also had abut 3 date nights without the babe and plenty of date nights with him!
Looking forward to: Our 2 year anniversary which is right around the corner!!! So insane! and seeing our little boy laugh!

What a sweetie!! So precious. I got my little dog a snuggy,have yet to figure out how it goes on her lol and I have had it for a year!!