How far along? 27 weeks 4 days!
Total weight gain: gaining steadily 1/2 pound to a pound! So up 6 1/2 pounds!
Maternity clothes? clothing is getting verrrry limited these days, I can fit in about 1 pair of shorts and barely into one pair of jeans. Basically, the Bella band is my bff.
Stretch marks? Nope but I have a moment at least once a week where I panic and freak out that I see a stretch mark, my eyes well up, my face turns red annnnnnnd its a line from my shirt being too tight, or laying on a seam etc. Fun fun.

Best moment this week: Joey was so excited for our relaxing weekend with nothing that we HAD to do but of course it didn't exactly end up that way- which I have to say is a good thing! We have things to do people! We spent a lot of time researching cribs, strollers, etc and spent Saturday with my mom finishing off our registering. I don't know what I would have done without my mom and Joey there to help. After about 30 seconds in the stores, I decided I was exhausted, hungry, my back hurt and I needed a wheelchair. Luckily, they forced me to press on and we spent all day registering and then rewarded ourselves with True Food to my delight and had a little celebration for Joey and his job promotion.
Sunday we went to Taste of Newport with some of our friends and had a blast gorging on the food and enjoying the significantly cooled down weather. Although, my girlfriend Casey found it necessary to point out to every living human that I am pregnant and announce our name options for the little guy while simultaneously rubbing my belly. Nothing like best friends to shame and humiliate you in public. But the exciting news is we did make a decision and Baby C is officially a named boy!!!
Miss Anything? How can I miss anything when I have just over 12 weeks left? This is going to be over before I know it and I wont have the pregnancy excuse for why I MUST have that for dinner, CAN'T walk that far, NEED to watch this show and CANT GO ON without those cute earrings. No, but really, I love housing our little peanut and having such a beautiful wonderful miracle taking place inside me that only Joey and I created. I absolutely cannot wait to meet the little guy but pregnancy really is a fun happy exciting time and SO freaking emotional and special its hard to think its almost over and I go back to just being little ol me. Well little old me, Joey, Winston and BABY C!!
Movement: ALL THE TIME! He is moving more and more every single day and they are BIG moves. I read somewhere that I am supposed to start counting his kicks and make sure that he is kicking more than 10 times an hour but Joey and I pretty sure he is kicking more than 10 times a minute. My entire belly literally moves from left to right with his movements. I think we are in for a little dancing machine!
Food Cravings: Excessive amounts of Baja Fresh Shrimp Salads, True Food, Peanut Butter and whip cream. Had a bit of a jelly donut craving too thanks to this other pregnant girl who was talking about how amazing they are. Now I find myself day dreaming of them.
Anything making you queasy or sick: randomly in the morning I feel sick but a pill typically takes care of it!
Gender: BOY! Boooyaah!
Labor Signs: Negative.
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks for sure and some back pain but thats about it so far!! Should be getting the results of my glucose test tomorrow but I am assuming no news is good news!
Belly Button in or out? Almost all the way out!
Wedding rings on or off? ON!!!!
Happy or Moody most of the time: This IS the happiest I have ever been!
Looking forward to: Our doctors appointment tomorrow and seeing our little guy!! Were at the point in the pregnancy where we see the doctor every 2 weeks and I am absolutely ecstatic about it! We are planning on doing a 4D ultrasound soon too so we can REALLY see the little peanut. Fun weekend ahead but will hopefully get some nursery stuff done too!
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