Thursday, December 27, 2012

2 weeks old!!!

Carter is officially 2 weeks old! Actually he will be 3 weeks tomorrow but as I am a big time lagger I have not gotten around to blogging lately so again, i will only cover week 2.

Carter is seriously the best! Week 2 has been even more amazing than week 1. Joey and I have finally gotten into a rhythm! Carter is wayyyy way more alert now, which means we get to spend way more time talking, singing and playing with him. We have been doing tummy time daily and he is amazing at lifting his head and moving it from side to side. I may be a little biased but I am telling you- this kid is a genius and way ahead of the game!

Seriously though, Joey and I fall more in love with him every day. He is so sweet, so cute and so cuddly. He is now looking at our faces much more and reaching out a lot. I can't believe how amazing he is! Joey and I have gotten in the habit of singing him our favorite song "you are my sunshine..." and he absolutely loves it, if he is hungry or awake and needs to go to sleep, it almost instantly puts him out. We sing it to him every night before bed and anytime throughout the day that he needs a little soothing. Of course we switched up the lyrics a bit, but I love that he will always know this song as something that his mom and dad sang to him throughout his childhood.

We also are giving him baths every other night, which he absolutely loves. I think this is hialrious because everyone else tells me that their babies HATE baths but Carter seriously could not be more into it. He lays back, relaxes and looks like hes ready for a marg. Like mother like son.

Carter has now been out to a bunch of restaurants, stores and the mall. He is such an easy baby, we just take him along with us and scream at anyone who comes near him while I obsessively slather hand sanitizer over Joey and I and anything within a 5 inch radius. Sane, no?

Joey, Carter, Winston and I have been getting out every single day for a run/ walk down the trail by our house and Carter seems to really be digging it. We are out for about an hour every day and its been such a nice little routine to be in plus we could really use the exercise! Although I am finally below my pre preggers weight before the 2 week mark and can fit in all my old clothes! Yay! My belly is still a little soft but overall I feel great!

Having a baby is the most incredible thing Joey and I have ever done, and we already talking about how we can't wait to have another little babe.  But dont get your hopes up yet- I could use a little break from pregnancy and to have a drink or 10!!  I have to say, I think we were made for this! It is exhausting, frustrating and more work than I imagined but it is TRULY the most amazing, happy, fulfilling thing I have ever done in my life and my family has become so much more than I ever could have imagined!

Having Joey and Winstons birthdays coupled with the holidays and the holiday shopping we lagged on pre baby has been a lot of work. But Joey says we are amazing, somehow we managed to shower every day, run every day, get all of our shopping done, visit with family and freinds and keep the house in order. Its been crazy but it has been a blast. I am so lucky to have Joey here by my side. Can he please never go back to work?

get ready for the barrage of Carter pics!!!

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