Total weight gain: Just keep gaining steadily!
Maternity clothes? Still haven't had time to go down and buy them but I will do this asap. Right now just rocking my jeans with the bella band and any/all long shirts and dresses.
Stretch marks? No but if you hear of an insane woman screaming and throwing herself in front of a bus in Laguna Niguel in the next 3 months, they might have possibly shown up.
Sleep:? Starting to wake up more often with my mind racing about all the things we have going on! Hard to get back to sleep when all you can think about is which wall should we put the crib on, will the baby be here before Christmas, what if he has the same birthday as Joey, do I want someone to come blowout my hair before I go into labor, what if my nails are chipped when I go into labor, I need to buy a cute delivery gown asap, do they allow dogs into labor and delivery- you know- standard stuff like that.
Best moment this week: Had such a crazy crazy busy but good week!!! We got up around 3am on Friday morning to fly home to Northern California at 8am. Brought Sir Winston with us as our "support dog" which he was the complete opposite of. The only emotional support he provided was by being a distraction to anyone and everyone around him with his incessant whining and barking. However, the airport had no problem notating on our tickets "emotional illness" adding to my deep shame and humiliation.
Anyway, when we got there friday afternoon we rushed to get ready for our maternity shoot! Winston was a big part of the shoot as well, so it was the whole Cefalu family. Then Joeys parents took us out to dinner to celebrate Joey's promotion at a little italian spot, which was also fun!
Saturday was Shawna's bridal shower which was SO MUCH fun! I got to see a ton of people from elementary, middle and high school and it was such a blast celebrating such an exciting time in Shawna's life. Her mom did an amazing job on the shower, it was absolutely gorgeous!
Sunday, my lovely mother in law and sister in law threw me a fabulous baby shower in Larkspur that was such a blast! I was overwhelmed with all the amazing gifts everyone brought for Carter and all the love the little guy already has! We truly are blessed!
Whoa, I almost forgot to mention the MOST important exciting part of this week! Went to the fetal diagnostic center to get very specific exact measurements on the baby (I've been a little worried because I haven't gained a ton of weight and everyone in the world keeps commenting on how small I am, so I wanted to make sure he was growing okay)! And he is! He is 4 pounds and in the 67% percentile and measuring a week ahead of schedule!! YAY!!! The nurse said I carry him very low and I have such a long torso which is why I am not showing as much as other people might be at this point. Regardless, they measured every little thing on the guy and said he is completely perfect and even already has a full head of hair! You know what that means..he takes after his daddy!
Miss Anything? Margaritas, bloody marys and tequila. Sushi. Not crying at every sappy thing on tv.
Movement: ALL THE TIME! Now its more like rolling and turning less kicking and punching. I guess he has less room now?
Food Cravings: Chipotle is back on the rotation, I live and die for pico de gallo and mango salsa, and I could eat my weight in shrimp.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still a little here and there but nothing too severe.
Gender: BOY! Boooyaah!
Labor Signs: Negative.
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, back pain and some definite emotional moments. Nothing like crying over your salad because you think it looks like you have an exercise ball under your dress. Poor Joey.
Belly Button in or out? Almost all the way out!
Wedding rings on or off? ON!!!!
Happy or Moody most of the time: This IS the happiest I have ever been aside from when the daughter in Father of the Bride 2 decides to move to Chicago, someone drinks a bloody mary in front of me, or I find out its the last season of Gossip Girl.
Looking forward to: Relaxing with my sweet husband and adorable doggy. We need it! ANNNNNNND our 4d ultrasound sunday, since the little guy has been refusing to let us get a good picture of him at all his recent ultrasounds! He is a brat already!
The Baby shower!
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