Monday, July 9, 2012

17 weeks- 23 weeks to go!

How far along? 17 weeks, 4 days!

Total weight gain: -1 lbs. I have gained another pound! Looks like I'm officially on the gain-a-pound-a-week schedule. SO FUN! not. The belly is definitely not hideable anymore but it looks more like I ate thanksgiving dinner than I am pregnant. Its a very attractive look. Joey even commented that it's not like I have a little bump at the bottom of my belly, it's like my whole stomach just looks bigger. He knows just the things to say to get to a pregnant womans heart.

Maternity clothes? No, but I no longer am comfortable in any jeans, and I have a feeling I wont make it another a few weeks without the bella band.

Stretch marks? Negative but all the pregnancy sites are now warning me that they should be popping up any day now. Mom, I blame you if this happens to me:)

Sleep:? Sleeping okay but I have a super hard time getting comfortable. It hurts to sleep on my stomach now (which used to be my favorite) and I feel  pressure when I'm on my sides. I hear you're not supposed to sleep on your back because it can cut off blood supply to the baby so I'm kind of one big re-adjusting mess these days to sleep next to. Poor Joey. I also have been waking up in the middle of the night or early morning feeling super nauseous and have to take one of my pills. So maybe the answer to this question is not sleeping that great.

Best moment this week: Had my stepmom and brother and sisters in town for the week and the 4th of July which was fun! Unfortunately, the weather was total crap but we still had a good time and it has been nice to have so much family around. We spent the 4th down at the Dana Point Harbor and then had a feast at the house followed by a late night swim session in the pool. My stepmom made some amazing sushi and I couldn't have been happier.

On Friday we went to downtown San Diego for my girlfriends Jill's bday and it was so nice to be out there! I absolutely love SD and would move there in an instant! We had a blast with everyone and I even had a few sips of wine. Joey says he doesn't think I even got any in my mouth but I think going so long without any has made even the smell of wine make me tipsy ! Even if it was only a teaspoon, that was one fantastic teaspoon.

The rest of the weekend was more relaxing- we went to one of my girlfriends dinner party Saturday night where we were able to bring Winston and he successfully got to annoy a bunch of other dogs and mingle with another beagle! ( Joey was convinced this would be a huge bonding moment for them but it turned out to be just like every other dog interaction, where Winston irritates the crap out of the dog until it completely ignores him- at which point he begins the incessant barking "play with me dog!"

Miss Anything? Starting to not miss anything as much. Being pregnant is kind of like relearning how to live and I think I might be starting to adapt! Maybe..

Movement: Ok, so I no longer think I have felt him kick, which is kind of freaking me out. I feel like I should have by now or at least I felt him before so I should have again right? I think I am just nervous because we haven't had a real ultrasound for a month now and that feels like a long time to go without seeing the little peanut. Well, next doctor appointment is tomorrow-Thank God! 

Food Cravings: Hummus and Sriracha is still my favorite snack but I have currently ODed on Sriracha so much that my tongue literally burns everytime I come close to a drop of it. Joey stared at me like I was an insane person last night as I stubbornly insisting on eating my sriracha and hummus combo and then screamed in pain...and then went in for more. He gently suggested I leave the sriracha off which resulted in my  I-will-kill-you-if-you-ever-speak-such-awful-words-again look. I think Joey is really enjoying this pregnancy and what it is doing to his typically sane and rational wife.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Eating too much. Anything too sweet. People who have comments on what I am eating/not eating/should be eating/shouldn't be eating when they are NOT pregnant! Which is pretty much everyone I am related to. Does it seem like I may be a bit crabbier week 17??

Gender: SOOOOO excited for appointment tomorrow. However, if the doctor does not confirm one way or another whether we are having a baby boy or girl, he should fear for his life. No really.

Labor Signs: Negative.

Symptoms: A lot of cramping and nausea that is in the middle of the night or early in the morning. Other than that, I'm okay folks.

Belly Button in or out? Looking a little funkay these days. I hear there is a device you can purchase that helps keeps it in. Next purchase?

Wedding rings on or off? ON!!!!

Happy or Moody most of the time: A clam!

Looking forward to: Doctors appointment tomorrow!!!!! Cannot wait to see the little guy and hear that everything looks good. Also, cant wait for my tongue to heal so I can bathe in my sriracha/hummus concoction once again. 

This weekend we are headed to San Diego again for our friends birthday party which I am really looking forward to. And next week my mom is coming!! Yay!

Pics from Jills Bday party in sd and a few of the nursery ideas I like so far

Jillys bday party in SD!
 Ok this is my official favorite one! I love the criss cross walls and I think it is masculine enough while still being sweet and cute for a baby!
 This is definitely a close second, could even be a tie with first but sometimes I feel like it is a little mature, not soft enough for a newborn bundle of joy.
 Just love the initials on the wall and the chandelier. Adorable.
 (I like this too although I hate the chandelier. I like how dark the walls are.
The horizontal stripes caught my eye, although if we did anything like this it would be every other wall. I don't like the other decorations in the room but something about the walls stands out to me. Decisions decisions.

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