Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Week 16 i.e. 4 Months!

 How far along? 16 weeks, 4 days!

Total weight gain: -2 lbs. I have officially gained a pound! Never thought I would be excited to say that!

Maternity clothes? Not yet, but it is ridiculous how tight all my clothes are now. I offically have a belly that I cannot suck in anymore.

Stretch marks? No but I STILL haven't gotten the stretch mark cream yet!

Sleep:? Like a baby but I am getting these weird pains in my lower abdomen which I read is pretty common and is my uterus stretching out.  How lovely. Also, I dream of vacation almost every single night and wake up speaking spanish bc I am convinced  I am in a cab in Mexico trying to find my hotel. A girl can dream, cant she? Joey says he can take a hint and we will definitely plan a mexico vacay for next year at some point. I'm ready!

Best moment this week: Well I am pretty sure I am feeling him kick but it definitely does not feel like butterflies. It feels more like something flipping or moving- does that seem right? Am I convincing myself that my gas is my baby??

Also Seeing Bob Sagat with Steph and Mark over the weekend. He is just as ridiculous as I imagined. And he spent the majority of the show making fun of this poor guy who was on a date, which was kind of hilairous. The guy was a pretty bad sport about which made it even better. Comedy shows are offically one of the funnest things to do while preggers.

Miss Anything? Any and all sushi. Beer, which is weird. Joey was drinking a bud light in the backyard and I took a tiny sip and I swear nothing has EVER tasted so good in my life. I normally am not a fan of beer which is why I am known to add hotsauce, tomato sauce, lime juice, tequila or whatever is handy to make it  tastier.  Grass is always greener on the other side, eh?

Movement: Like I said, I may be lovingly stroking my belly everytime a gas bubble travels through. 

Food Cravings: Hummus and Sriracha a multiple time a day snack now a days. I am literally going through half a contained of hummus and sriracha a day. Dont worry, the doc says the spice isnt hurting the baby only myself. And it hurts so good. I am eating a lot of veggie burgers and egg whites too and obscene amounts of steamed veggies.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Pick up Stix. Never again. Well, we'll see.

Gender: Hopefully the doc will tell us next week but I read this girls blog today where her doctor told her it was a boy at week 12, 14 and 16 and told her to buy blue and then at week 18 announced it was a girl! This made me realize that I have officially ODed on buying baby boy stuff and should probably just relax until completely confirmed. Maybe our peanut is girl????

Labor Signs: Negative.

Symptoms: Officially made it almost 4 days without throwing up and then got cocky and had to have pick up stix. big mistake.

Belly Button in or out? I was sitting outside talking to my girlfreind Amanda and I looked down and almost screamed! My belly button is starting to flatten!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!

Wedding rings on or off? ON. I'm telling you, it will be my toe ring before it gets retired to my jewelry box.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and excited!

Looking forward to: My stepmom and 3 of my bro/sis coming to visit tomorrow and the 4th of July!!! My stepmom cooks amazing sushi and she already said she will make some while she is here (dont worry, only the cooked stuff)! It will be nice to have more family visits and then this weekend we are off to San Diego for my girlfreind Jills birthday. Exciting eweek ahead!

Pictures from the weekend and a few other things I find entertaining

Irivine improv where we saw Bob Sagat. Oh danny tanner you'll always have my heart:)
 Liz's recommendation for the peanuts first halloween costume. Flattering, no?
 This is totally my life. I pulled over yesterday to throw up on the side of the road and silmutaneously pee my pants. Oh pregnancy, you are so fun. This little peanut is lucky he is worth it!

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