How far along? 20 weeks 3 days! Can you believe we are halfway there!!!
Total weight gain: Right on track, gaining 1/2-1lb a week.So up about a pound.
Maternity clothes? No but I probably should be. I think I have about 1 more week in my regular jeans. Bella band is definitely needed at this point.
Stretch marks? Negative, but am stocked up on enough Mustella to last me a lifetime.
Sleep:? Sleeping okayish. Body pillow is helping, dog is not. Still up about 5 times a night to potty.
Best moment this week: So many good moments this week!! Our 20 week appointment went AMAZING! It was literally terrifying having them examine all of little baby C's organs, brain and body measurements.I just kept waiting for them to tell me "uh oh, this is a little big/small/alien-like etc. But they didn't!The doctor told us we have a perfect little baby and that everything is line with how it should be!
He weighs in at 11 ounces (can you believe he is almost a full pound??) and he is in the 54% percentile for size so he is perfectly sized for where we are in the pregnancy. We were in the appointment for about 2 1/2 hours and I was pretty darn nervous the whole time. But the nurse was a doll and even took some 3-D shots for us. This was definitely a big moment for Joey and I , and we both just keep looking at each other during the appointment in amazement that our little guy is growing so perfectly. It was definitely one of those "WOW this is really happening and we are SO blessed" moments.
Second most amazing this moment this week happened this morning when we woke up. The baby was kicking up a storm and Joey decided to see if he could feel it- AND HE COULD!!! At first I told him when the baby was kicking and then he told me to not tell him and see if he could tell when it happened and he did!! He felt him kick at least 10 times. We were both pretty much laughing and crying at the same time we were so excited! Things are happening folks.
Lastly, we had a fun weekend, it was SO beautiful out and spent Friday at Pelican Hill for dinner and Saturday some time on the water in newport for my girlfreind Nicoles bday, which was awesome. Very different from our normal beer guzzling duffy rides but even more beautiful since it wasnt hazy from beer goggles. We went to OC fair Saturday night with a group of friends and had a blast. I definitely missed all my fav fair rides (the gravatrone, the hammer etc) but I settled for the swings and the ferris wheel with a carmel apple. Heaven.
Miss Anything? The wild fair rides. Margaritas. A flat stomach.
Movement: Kicking all the time now and I am loving every single minute of it. He sure doesnt want me to forget he's in there.
Food Cravings: HUMMUS and SRIRACHA but my tongue has been burned beyond imagining. SO unfair. I am into any and all fro-yo these days and I am definitely back on the True Food wagon (hummus, edamame dumpling, ahi salad). MMMMMMM.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still nauseous, just not throwing up really anymore which is a nice change. Cant wait to not be taking nausea pills every day. I still wake up nauseous almost every day.
Gender: BOY! Boooyaah!
Labor Signs: Negative.
Symptoms: Cramping has been bad this week but the nurse assured me it was normal as my uterus is stretching. Getting some lower back pain, and just feeling tired in general.
Belly Button in or out? Still weird looking. Not loving it.
Wedding rings on or off? ON!!!!
Happy or Moody most of the time: A clam!
Looking forward to: My mom moving back on September 2nd! Cant wait to have her here for the rest of the pregnancy and I seriously just feel so much better knowing she will be here once the baby is born and for family dinners.YAY!
This week is pretty quiet but looking forward to the end of it as Joeys mom is coming to visit and so is his Aunt on Sunday which is SO exciting! I love having family in town! Joey and I are going to try to get some stuff done for the nursery this week since starting next weekend it is going to be wedding season for about a month and we will barely have time to breathe. Check out the pics of the little guy below and from the weekend!
BTW, I know this site is super hard to comment on so if anyone wants to contact me directly my email is :)
His little legs above his head!!

3D kinda freaky looking but you can see his eye looking at us! I love this and it made my mom instantly cry. people are either amazed at how well we can see him or a few of my girlfriends thought it was really scary. you tell me.
Pelican Hill.
Joey getting down on the ridiculous sausage.
Fair food is pretty darn good.
the gals.
beautiful day on the water.
the cefalu clan! All 4 of us!
BTW, I know this site is super hard to comment on so if anyone wants to contact me directly my email is :)
His little legs above his head!!

3D kinda freaky looking but you can see his eye looking at us! I love this and it made my mom instantly cry. people are either amazed at how well we can see him or a few of my girlfriends thought it was really scary. you tell me.
Pelican Hill.
Joey getting down on the ridiculous sausage.
Fair food is pretty darn good.
the gals.
beautiful day on the water.
the cefalu clan! All 4 of us!
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